
今天,活体器官捐赠是许多移植患者的可行选择,然而 number of people waiting for a transplant 远远超过了捐助者的数量. There are many benefits for both the donor and the recipient, such as improved health and better quality of life.


Make a difference in someone’s life by becoming a live kidney donor, learn more about how to apply and the living kidney donation process.
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    Learn about the living kidney donation process and what to expect.



There are many benefits to becoming a living donor. One of the most obvious benefits is that you can save a life, or drastically improve the quality of life for the recipient. 与继续透析的患者相比,接受供体肾脏的患者的长期生存率明显提高. 当接受者有活体供体时, the wait time for transplant is shorter and the transplant can be scheduled. 这就允许在受赠人健康状况良好,并且捐赠者和受赠人都方便的情况下进行捐赠, such as summer vacation or winter break.

Live organs that are transplanted last longer than cadaveric organs, and live organs begin to function more quickly than cadaveric donations. 这有助于简化接受者的过程,并为另一个接受者腾出一个尸体肾脏.

在生活中,偶尔会有一些难以形容的满足的时刻,这些时刻无法用那些被称为语言的符号来完全解释. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.



There are two main types of living kidney donation: directed and non-directed.



  • 工资报销损失 在他们从捐赠手术中恢复的六周内,每周最多2000美元
  • 旅费和住宿费报销 up to $5,000 in expenses for themselves and a caregiver
  • 金融保护 对于并发症,确保捐赠者永远不会为他们的肾脏捐赠直接导致的术后并发症负责
  • 法律代表 活体捐赠是否会对捐赠者的就业、健康或人寿保险产生负面影响
  • 捐赠者连接 每位肾脏捐赠者候选人都可以选择与一位可以回答问题的活体肾脏捐赠者交谈, 提供见解, and provide education based on their own kidney donation experience



The donation of any organ by a living person must be completely voluntary. 捐赠者不应因捐赠而有任何压力或内疚,也不应因捐赠而获得报酬. 1984年,美国政府宣布.S. 国会通过了 国家器官移植法, which made it illegal to buy or sell organs.


与任何手术一样,了解肾脏捐赠的风险也很重要. 你的团队甚至可以把你联系到一个捐赠导师——一个做过你将要做的事情的人,可以和你分享他们的个人经验.

Tips for Your Journey to Find a Living 肾脏 Donor



学习Pamela Paulk, the former president of 约翰霍普金斯医学院 International, helped make a difference in the life of a co-worker through kidney donation.

The Johns Hopkins 肾移植 Program
