Research Funding

Medical Student Research Funding at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

医学院学生研究办公室管理暑期研究项目的资金, for longitudinal research opportunities and training, and for travel to national conferences where students can present their work.

Summer Stipends for Research

Medical researcher using a microscope

Dean's Summer Research Fund


To be eligible for funding, the student must work under the direct supervision of a Hopkins faculty member, either on one of the medical campuses here in the United States, or abroad. 津贴每年有所不同,并根据该工资期内的工作时间在JHU工资日支付. 这些资金不能用于支持医学院后期进行的研究.

Contact us for more information

Summer Departmental or Specialty Programs

Longitudinal Research Opportunities and Training

许多学生也决定参加更深入和纵向的研究经历, 参加为期9-12个月的高级学生安置课程,与教师一起追求他们的兴趣. 教师导师有时能够为医学学生在他们的研究项目中工作提供研究生津贴.

There are also the following resources of funds for a year-long program of study:

Dean's Year of Research

院长研究年服务于那些希望追求比目前的学术集中课程和选修计划更深入的研究经验的医学生. 如果您有兴趣申请或了解院长研究资助年的更多信息,请 email us.

Predoctoral clinical research training program logo

Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program

这个博士前培训项目允许ICTR为有兴趣从事临床和转化研究的学生提供培训(硕士和博士学位与医学博士或护理学位相结合)。. This program is a collaborative effort of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public, the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing, and the Johns Hopkins University Center for BioEngineering Innovation & Design.

Learn more about the program

Funding for Travel to Research Conferences

约翰霍普金斯大学为奖学金提供了几个旅行资助机会, fellowships and research conferences. If you have an interest in one of the following funds for travel please e-mail Robin Lenzo with the details. 学生必须提供收据正本,收据将按分配的金额报销.

The following funding opportunities are currently available for student travel:


National Research Opportunities and Fellowships

In addition to the many research opportunities at Johns Hopkins, students are encouraged to explore national programs that offer short term (e.g. summer) or longer term experiences.

A list of such opportunities is maintained by the AAMC.

Explore national research opportunities