
When you are getting admitted to a hospital for a scheduled treatment, there is a lot to consider. 有一张要带东西的清单, as well as a list of special instructions from your doctor, 能帮你保持条理吗.



Please bring the following items with you when you are being admitted to one of the Johns Hopkins hospitals:

  • Your hospital ID card, if you received one on a prior visit. (Some Johns Hopkins facilities issue a card with each visit.)
  • Your health insurance cards for all of your insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid.
  • 个人身份证明,如驾照
  • Referral and/or authorization forms, if required by your insurance provider
  • 你的 预先指示/生前遗嘱 and medical orders for life sustaining treatment (MOLST) if you have these documents
  • Money for 公园ing and payment for services such as deductibles and co-payments that may be collected at the time of admission (send unused cash and credit cards home with a family member after you are admitted)


  • Your medical records, x-rays, or previous test results (if your doctor has requested them)
  • List of your medical and surgical history with dates and procedures you've had
  • List of your primary care physician and specialists (to communicate and coordinate your care plan)
  • The name and phone number of your health care partner if you have one


请不要把你的药物带到医院. 而不是, 请带上所有药物的清单, 包括剂量信息, 给药时间和过敏情况. You will likely be asked about your medications several times by different personnel the day of your procedure. Keeping an accurate, up-to-date list handy can be helpful. 下载此模板记录您的用药情况.

如果你带了药, please send them home with a family member or ask our staff to have them sent to the Security Department.


Please bring only essential items to the hospital and leave jewelry, 键, 手表, 家里有多余的现金和其他贵重物品. Though the hospitals are not responsible for lost or stolen items, we will do our best to work with you to safeguard your belongings while you are here. Some hospital rooms have a safe; ask your nurse if one is available.

如果你选择, nursing staff may be able to itemize any valuable that you cannot send home and store them with Security. 当你准备离开医院时, 我们的工作人员会联系保安归还您的贵重物品.


  • 盥洗用品和个人卫生用品
  • 舒适、宽松的衣服,包括睡衣
  • 愿景, 听力, 牙科或呼吸辅助设备, 比如眼镜, 隐形眼镜, 假牙或C-PAP机器, 还有他们的储物箱. Check with your doctor if any of them should not be worn during your procedure.
  • Personal electronics, such as laptops, tablets, phones and media players with headphones.

Radios, hair dryers, fans, heaters or electrical appliances are not permitted for safety reasons. It may also be best to remove all jewelry including body piercings and wedding rings, 假发及发饰, 把这些东西留在家里.


All patients who are admitted to the hospital and are 18 years of age and above will be asked questions about the five social determinants of health: food insecurity, 运输需求, 住房不稳定, 效用困难与人际安全. 了解更多有关此筛选的资料:


当你在准备一个计划好的手术, you might have some extra steps you may need to complete before your admission.

Your surgeon will require a complete history and physical exam from your primary care doctor. Other tests such as an EKG, chest X-ray and blood test may be required, also.

Some hospitals have a pre-surgery screening center that coordinates all of your required testing. 在其他医院, you may be responsible for contacting your primary care doctor, 实验室或影像中心, and following your surgeon’s directions for sending the results within the requested time period.


我们所有的医院都提供, this program includes guided visualization and deep relaxation to help one prepare for surgery and reduce anxiety and pain.


  • Inform your surgeon of any medications you are currently taking.
  • 联系 your surgeon if there is any change in your health.
  • Prefill any new prescriptions your surgeon has prescribed.
  • Shower the evening before your procedure using an anti-bacterial soap and complete any other cleansing or preparation instructions your surgeon has requested.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions about eating and drinking before your surgery. You can brush your teeth, but avoid swallowing water or toothpaste.
  • 不使用化妆品、古龙水、身体乳或爽身粉.


在你入院的那天, please be mindful of your appointment time and give yourself plenty of time to get to the hospital or treatment center, 公园, locate the correct medical building and register at the front desk.

用于门诊和门诊访问, please try to arrive 15 to 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow for registration. 用于住院治疗, please arrive by the specific time requested by our admitting staff or your physician’s office.


We strive to make sure our patients and visitors are comfortable. If arriving with a service animal, here is what you need to know when staying with us.