Charitable Giving


The psychiatrists and psychologists and other clinicians in the 精神病学和行为科学系 are here because we have a deep commitment to relief of the suffering that accompanies mental illness. We do everything in our power to get people better with the tools we have available to us. 大多数时候,谢天谢地,我们真的为人们带来了改变. 但我们意识到,我们的工具远没有我们希望的那么好. We need to do better. 


我们的许多护理人员也参与了发现的过程. 他们正在努力发现新的治疗方法,并更好地利用现有的治疗方法. They are studying how best to get the right treatments to the right patients at the right times. 科学家也是这些努力的一部分. 其中包括研究精神疾病遗传基础的人, 看看故障是如何在病态的大脑中出现的, 并设计新的治疗方法,可以瞄准已确定的大脑目标.  

Our missions are to heal patients by making use of the best information available and coupling it with compassion, 产生新的知识,从而产生更好的治疗方法, and to train the next generation in how best to carry these important efforts forward.

我们邀请您加入我们,以便我们能够共同推进这些使命. 我们可以共同努力,突破对精神疾病无知的边界, 并迎来一个治疗更有效、见效更快的时代, and cause fewer side effects. 

更有效的护理方法还在前面. They will hopefully benefit us, but they will certainly benefit our children and our grandchildren. You can help get us there.   

Adolescent Depression

#TomorrowsDiscoveries:帮助患有抑郁症的青少年- Karen Swartz, m.s.D

Anorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorders



#明天的发现:治疗痴呆症和抑郁症-博士. Jin Hui Joo

Huntington's Disease

#明天的发现:亨廷顿病及其影响-博士. Jee Bang

Latest Treatment Modalities - ECT

#明天的发现:电休克疗法-欧文·迈克尔·雷蒂,M.B.B.S., M.D.

Substance Use Disorders

#明天的发现:治疗药物滥用- Eric Strain, M.D.

"Johns Hopkins 精神病学和行为科学系 attracts and trains the most outstanding, dedicated physicians in the world. I know, 因为当我处于抑郁的最低谷时, 我的父亲想尽了一切办法来帮助我, to get me back to enjoying life. They thought outside the box; in fact, they collapsed the box entirely.

Committed to their patients, Johns Hopkins doctors not only work to provide the best treatments available today, they are creating the next generation of psychiatry with potentially life-altering discoveries for tomorrow. 让我们尽我们所能来支持那些使霍普金斯精神病学如此独特的人."

– Gilbert Lamphere, Johns Hopkins Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Advisory Board member

“我的妻子和60多年来最好的朋友患有阿尔茨海默病. 她由约翰霍普金斯大学的科学家照顾. Their expertise and kindness personalize every aspect of our special relationship with Psychiatry. 我们既是推荐十大正规网赌平台,现在又是献血者,这是一个新的重要角色. 我们怀着感激和感激之情给予人道关怀, 每个方面的个性化和专业知识. Because we believe in Johns Hopkins and have a special relationship with Psychiatry, we help its scientists.

Our support makes a difference in the lives of others and includes funding for research and volunteering in research programs. We hope that you, too, choose to support this area of care and research or another."

– John Alden


Contributions can be made in support of the Department of Psychiatry or can be restricted to benefit the work of a specific clinician or researcher or a specific program within the Department. With your help, we can continue to advance our research and provide a better quality of life for the world.

Thank you for your partnership.


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Over the Phone

要和某人直接谈论制作礼物,请打电话 410-955-8159.

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550 N. Broadway #916
Baltimore, MD 21205

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