Woman suffering from neck pain while working from home.
Woman suffering from neck pain while working from home.
Woman suffering from neck pain while working from home.

Addressing Neck and Back Pain When You’re Working from Home

Ergonomics — the science of making your work environment safe, 舒适和高效——在非现场环境中并不总是如此. If your work-at-home setup is causing pain in your neck or back, 这里有一些建议,可以帮助你在家工作时保持高效和无痛苦.

Your home office can be hard on your neck and back

在家工作有很多好处:不用通勤,着装要求也比较宽松. 你可以抚摸狗狗,让你的工作空间保持温暖或凉爽.

But there are disadvantages, 懒散地坐在沙发上工作,而不是坐在符合人体工程学的椅子上,这会让你的背部和颈部疼痛. 可能有多种因素导致你的家庭工作站不太适合你的健康, such as:

  • Firmness and type of your chair and presence of lumbar support
  • Height of your chair in relation to your desk
  • Position of your computer and monitors on your desk
  • How often you take breaks from sitting


How to Prevent or Reduce Back or Neck Pain When Working from Home

Give your back a break: Keep moving

Even with an ergonomic office arrangement, 在一个位置工作而不休息是背部和颈部疼痛的主要原因. 对于那些不再呆在小隔间里的人来说,这尤其是个问题.

Try to get up every 30 minutes, 即使只是为了伸展身体,摆脱许多人在处理文件和参加Zoom会议时所处的前进位置.

Even if it breaks your train of thought, 去厨房喝杯咖啡或加点水,或者在院子里散个步都会有帮助. Staying active can make a huge difference.

Consider a Standing Desk

治疗师通常建议患者在工作时每30分钟到1小时更换一次体位, 但由于这在工作环境中很难做到,因为人们往往不想脱离他们对特定任务的投入程度, the standing desk is an ideal compromise.

Choosing a Standing Desk

考虑你的具体需求,包括你的空间和预算,这两者都很重要. If you’re not sold on a standing desk, 您可以考虑一个半永久性的站立式办公桌转换器,它可以与您现有的工作空间一起工作.

Other considerations when you’re choosing a standing desk option:

  • Ease of installation. Read customer reviews, since what seems simple is not always the case.
  • Height. How “tall” do you need to go? Height adjustments aren’t universal, 所以检查一下站立式办公桌配件的范围,确保它能满足你的需要.
  • Electric vs. manual. Manually adjusting types may be easier on your budget.
  • Adaptability and accessories. Think about whether extras such as wheels, additional shelves or left/right orientation are important to you.

Using Your Standing Desk


站立式办公桌的安排应该遵循所有其他人体工程学原则, such as keeping your arms bent at a 90-degree angle. 你应该每隔30分钟到1小时换一次体位.

当你站在办公桌前时,将重心从一只脚转移到另一只脚是可以的. 然而,需要注意的是,这样做时要锻炼肌肉,尤其是臀大肌. 我们经常依靠被动组织来支撑我们一整天,而不是利用肌肉来保持我们的直立对抗重力.

Invest in an Ergonomic Chair

A bed, armchair or sofa is great for relaxing, but may not be ideal for spending hours hunched over your computer. 设置一个有桌子或书桌的工作空间可以让你在工作中处于更好的位置. For the times you are in front of the screen, 买一把好的椅子可以支撑你的姿势,帮助你避免背部不适.

你需要的是可调节的扶手,它可以前后移动,而不仅仅是上下移动. When you’re sitting in the chair, you want your elbows at about a 90-degree angle so you are not reaching.

Lumbar back support is important. The chair should have an adjustment to accommodate the lower back, and should be at a height that allows your feet to rest on the floor. 如果你的腿够不到地板,在脚下放点东西会有帮助.

Think beyond the back

Vision. Some back and neck strain may start with your vision.

眼科检查可能是你因COVID大流行而取消或推迟的就诊之一. 但在家里用笔记本电脑和较小的屏幕工作,会导致眯眼和疲劳, putting stress on the neck and back as you try to see. Enlarging the text on your screens can be a simple first step.

Core muscles support your back and neck. 理疗师可以帮助你重新激活当你长时间保持一个姿势时被关闭的肌肉. 锻炼腹部和臀大肌可以帮助支撑脊柱,防止拉伤.

Feet. For those who work at a standing desk, comfortable, supportive shoes are essential, since the stress of standing and walking will affect your entire spine.

Head. A more comfortable workday at home starts with a good night’s rest. If your pillow is too high or too low, it can put strain on your neck when you sleep, 这会导致你的脖子和肩膀僵硬,让你在家里工作一整天都很痛苦. 慢慢地耸肩或加热可以缓解偶尔的不适, but you might need a new pillow if you keep waking up sore.

虽然枕头已经变得非常专业化(价格标签与之相匹配), 任何能让你睡得香、醒来时休息得好、无痛的枕头都是适合你的.

Mindful Practices to Address Back and Neck Pain

How we think about the pain we’re experiencing matters — a lot. When we’re stressed, our ability to deal with our aches and pains goes down; even trivial problems can become very difficult to deal with. 我们倾向于沉浸在身体不适的负面情绪中,专注于我们做不到的事情,而不是我们能做的所有令人惊奇的事情.

If you are dealing with stress, practicing mindfulness could help. Closing your eyes and thinking about a relaxing place, such as your favorite spot on the beach, may help deemphasize thoughts about aches and pains.

抿嘴呼吸是另一种帮助你感觉更平静、更集中的技巧. Take slow breaths in through your nose, 然后轻轻地用嘴呼气,就像你在吹蜡烛一样. 重复几次可以降低对痛苦的想法,甚至减轻其影响.

Back Pain Causes and Treatments Webinar | Stephanie Van, M.D.

Chronic back pain is a persistent source of discomfort for many adults. In this webinar, our expert Stephanie Van, M.D., discusses common causes of back pain along with strategies for relief.

Physical therapy is available, in person or by telehealth

至少四分之一的美国成年人在他们生命中的某个阶段有颈部或背部问题. In the majority of cases, the pain goes away on its own within 30 days.

定期去看物理治疗师是有意义的,就像你去看初级保健医生一样——特别是如果你正在经历颈部和背部疼痛,并担心你的家庭工作环境会影响你的背痛. Maryland is a direct access state, 因此,绝大多数保险公司不需要医生的转诊.

Physical therapy clinics can help you schedule in-person visits, and some are offering telehealth consultations as well.

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